When I was pregnant with Macey I came across dooce. I followed her blog to try and figure out what the big deal was all about. I never did figure it out and I don't recommend her site. She's so crude and anti-religion. However, the one good thing that came from it was that she wrote a letter to her daughter every month. I liked that idea. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we are told to keep a personal history. I keep a journal for me, so why not keep a journal for my children, since they obviously can't do it for themselves. So when Macey was born I bought a journal and every month I write her a letter in it. I write down her favorite foods, colors, toys and the funny things that she's doing lately. I also keep the journal for her to let her know just how much her mom loves her and how much her mom loves the gospel. I want my girls to know that their mom has a testimony of the gospel. I hope I get to continue to raise them, but you just never know what the future holds. I don't mean to sound negative, but really, you just never know when your time on earth will be up.
When Justin was born his mom kept a journal for him in a notebook and she elmer-glued his hospital picture to the front of it. It was nothing fancy, but she kept a record of his life in it. When he was five years old she passed away from cancer. Had she not kept a journal for him a lot of those early childhood memories would have been lost.
Maybe when my girls are sixteen or eighteen or move out to college or something I will give them their journals as a present, and hopefully they will sit down sometime and read them and feel how much their mom loves them.
I'm not blogging about this to say look at me I'm such a great mom, because I'm not. I'm blogging about journals so that maybe some other mom will come across this and decide to keep a journal for her children and preserve their childhood memories.

You are right, journals are important. I've kept them for both my girls. I fell down at it more after my second child is born but they will still have a great deal more than if I had done nothing.
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