Spring is comming, I can feel it! It's my most favorite time of the year! I love the pretty Easter colors and the change in temperature. I'm skipping decorating for St. Patty's Day and going straight to Easter. Well, I never decorated for St. Patty's Day anyhow.
When Macey and I were shopping at the craft store a cute little chickie jumped off the shelf right into my basket - I hate when that happens. So we brought it home and decided we needed to somehow find a way to display our cute new Easter decoration in the hurricane glass that sits on our kitchen table. It looked silly sitting in it all alone, it needed something under it but what? Colored salt!
So, first you dump a container or two of salt into a big ziplock.
Then you squirt in whatever color of food coloring floats your boat.
Then you pretend it's Amish Friendship Bread and "mush the bag."
Lastly, you dump it into your hurricane glass or apothecary jar and put your decoration on top. Soo cute! You could just leave the salt white and put in a pretty spring blossom. You could do red, white and blue layers of salt with a flag sticking in it for the fourth of July. You could do red or green salt with a cute Christmas decoration. There's soo many possibilities!
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